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来源:管理员 发布时间:2019-12-28 10:01:13 浏览次数:209 【字体:


Funds, exchange rates, profits, inflation, foreign trade, stocks, financial policies ... For beginners, economics seems to be a difficult discipline: there are too many obscure definitions and complicated theories.


However, in SCFLS, everything is much easier and closely related to life! In an economics class in Senior High School, the teacher leads the students to link everything in life with economics theories, and build a coherent knowledge structure.


1. 结合生活中的事件,运用所学经济学理论分析其对市场造成的影响,并搭建知识框架;

2. 探索市场经济体制中的竞争与激励的重要性。

Before this class, students have learnt what macroeconomics and microeconomics cover, basic economic systems, demand and supply, and price elasticity. Therefore, the objectives of this class are:

1. To apply economics theories in analyzing how events in life affect the corresponding markets, and to build a knowledge structure accordingly; 

2. To explore the importance of competition and incentive in a market economic system.


Students on different levels are grouped together, and a news picture is allocated to each group. Students need to discuss on their assigned pictures, and think about an open-ended question within a limited period of time.


During their discussion, the teacher tracks and records students’ thoughts, and guides them to connect the dots in unit 2 with a mind map, enabling them to realize the interrelationship between economics theories.


to encourage students to think from various perspectives and critically, and to test their attention when other groups are giving presentations, students from different groups give feedback to each other, offering their advice and ideas.





编辑、排版、审核:校长办公室 宣传办



  • 招生热线:0512-89180556 / 89180555
  • 应聘邮箱:hr@cscfls.com
  • 应聘联系电话:0512-89180557 / 89180564
  • 学校地址:苏州市相城区金砖路399号
  • 学校名称:苏州市相城区苏城外国语学校